
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Disguised Blessings


What if blessing come through raindrops?
What if healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you're near?
What if the trials of this life are your mercies in disguise? 
-Laura Story "Blessings"

So you think its the end of the world.  You think whatever is going on in your life is a tragedy.  You think your life has been ruined.  You think things will never be the same.  You think......

Stop thinking.

Why do you think what is going on in your life is meant to completely ruin you?  How do you know that it is not God's way of saying "I've got you....I'm here...JUST BE STILL"? 

What if the very struggles and circumstances in which you are living your life at this VERY MOMENT are the things that you are going to look back on later and see that God was working?  What if God is using this trial, this struggle, this frustration to bring awareness to His presence?  What if God is SAVING you from something that could have RUINED you?  What if this frustration is His way of delivering you a blessing?  

We're so quick to draw conclusions and assume the worst in our lives.  It's the realization that there is a bigger picture being drawn that we need to become aware of.  It's realizing that the way we see something might be completely different from the way God sees it and intends it. 

How are we to know how God intends a circumstance He places in our lives?  It's all about trusting Him and knowing that there IS a bigger picture unfolding and only upon looking back at the situation later will we ever begin to grasp an understanding.  

God can use our hurts, our frustrations, our difficult times to simply draw us closer to Him in order to move on to the blessings He has in store for us.  His blessings can come in all shapes, sizes, and ways, but we will never get to them if we're not trusting that what He has us going through is for a greater purpose.  

Take this moment in your life to be still in the circumstances that God has placed you in.  Know that He is near and that He is working behind the scenes preparing a plan for you and your life that is beyond your wildest dreams.  Trust Him with where you're at and know that the trials of this life can truly be His mercies in disguise.

This song by Laura Story says it perfectly:  Blessings 

"God's will is always more clear through the rear-view mirror than through the windshield."



  1. I love this song and forwarded the song and your site to a friend who will appreciate the encouragment. Thanks.

    1. Isn't it a wonderful song! And thank you for passing this post on to your friend, I pray it was encouraging!

  2. Thank you for this...i have been walking a very difficult trial for the past 5 months and am hanging on by my fingertips trusting in God for healing. I pray for strengh and courage to walk this out day by day with HIM declaring that i am whole, healthy and balanced in HIM as i wait and trust. Please pray me on whoever reads this....thank you and God Bless, CGM

    1. Know that you are in my prayers! I pray that you are continuing to seek HIS face amidst the trials that you face. I pray that you would continue to have the courage and strength to face these trials knowing full-well that God is your rock and your guide. And I pray that you would continue to have the courage to wait patiently in God's timing, trusting in HIS plan - there is a bigger picture remember!
