
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dirty Dishes
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Analogy time...ready, set, go!

If you wash a dish promptly after dirtying it you are able to easily restore it to its clean state fairly easily.  However, if you put that dish in the sink while it's still dirty and wait until "later" to clean it things aren't going to be as easy.  When you eventually go to clean the dish you are going to have to scrub through all the thick layers of gunk that have now solidified on the dish and the process is going to take twice as long as it would have if you had just washed the dish immediately after dirtying it.   

Moral of the story?  The longer you wait, the harder it is to get the dish clean.

In our lives we allow little things to creep in and "dirty us" (so to speak).  Over time these little things start to build up and grow into bigger things which are harder to get rid of and can eventually find a permanent home in our lives if we are not careful.  These "things" that come in and "dirty our dish" can come in so many ways and forms.  

For one example, say "Billy" starts experimenting with drugs.  If he doesn't "clean his dish" now while his new habit is new and fresh there is a possibility that that small habit could grow into a bigger and bigger habit.  A few years down the road and now maybe Billy has a drug addiction that he can't seem to shake.  The "gunk" has now solidified and Billy is finding it harder to "wash his dish" now.  
Are you starting to see the comparison here between our lives and gunky dirty dishes?

The longer we wait to be "cleaned" the more permanent the "gunk" gets in our lives.  Don't wait until tomorrow to "get clean" and rid yourself of the gunk...DO IT TODAY!  Do it while the gunk is still soft and temporary and before it makes a permanent home in your life!   

Ask yourself:  What is something that could be dirtying my dish, that if not cleaned soon will start to solidify and become permanent on "my dish" (which is your life!)?

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