
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dig Baby, Dig!

There's nothing on earth like digging in the dirt!
[ photo source ]
If you've ever taken a history class you've heard all about archaeologists.  If I know one thing about archaeologists it's this:  they like to dig.  They love to dig and find things that no one has yet discovered.  They ultimately dig to find things of value; things that mean something!  

I don't know about you, but when I hear the word "archaeologist" I immediately think of someone out at the bottom of mammoth whole in the ground digging up dinosaur bones or something of the sorts somewhere.  Maybe that's not accurate but you get the point.

If an archaeologist was to sit inside at their desk all day doing nothing, their job would NEVER get done. No dirt would be turned and no discoveries would be made.  An archaeologist is only able to find new things and make new discoveries when they are digging!  

As Christians the same goes for us.

Should we choose to sit around all day and not do anything but still hope to "score the gold" we're going to lose big time.  Just as an archaeologist must dig to find "treasure" we too must dig...into the Bible!  

What if we were to start digging in the Bible like an archaeologist digs looking for historic artifacts?  

What if we were passionate about discovering "treasure"?  

WHAT IF we were PASSIONATE about digging deeper in our relationship with Christ?

Start digging.  I dare you.  Dig baby, dig!  You might just strike gold.  



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