
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Who do they see?

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When people look at you who do they see?

Let's pretend we're not ourselves for a moment....if you were someone else but were looking at the "you" that you are today what type of person would you see?  How would feel about the type of person that you were seeing?  Would it make you happy, proud, sad, or maybe even disgusted?

When other people look at us it is easy for them to tell what type of person we are just by looking at the activities we participate in, the friends we choose, and the conversations that we hold.  What we do in our lives is a direct reflection of the type of person we are or are becoming.  

So when people look at you what are they seeing?  (We're not talking stereotypical-stereotyping here...we're talking what your life shows.)

Honestly take a moment to think about this....exactly what type of person can you be justified as by the life you are living?

Are you proud of the person others are seeing when they look at your life?

Not grasping the concept?...Here's an example.  Do people see Jesus in you?  In order for someone to see Jesus in you it would have to be apparent that you were actively living in such a way that would be a resemblance to Jesus himself.  You would be living your life not for your sake but for the sake of others.  You would be loving the lost, guiding the needed, and in all things acknowledging Him. It would be SO apparent in your life.  

So what is apparent in your life RIGHT NOW that others see?

Go further than "who do they see?", ask yourself "who do I want them to see?" and then challenge yourself to make that change. 




  1. "Let's pretend we're not ourselves for a moment....if you were someone else but were looking at the "you" that you are today what type of person would you see? How would feel about the type of person that you were seeing? Would it make you happy, proud, sad, or maybe even disgusted?"

    WOW. What a thought-provoking question! Thank you for this post! :)

    1. Hi Julia - so glad you enjoyed this post, thank you for visiting my little corner of the blog world and for the words of encouragement :)
