
Friday, January 31, 2014

Crazy Little Steps

I've started the habit of doing something "crazy" every single I don't mean "crazy" as in "let's go bungee jumping" I mean "crazy" as in doing something outside of my comfort zone. Scary to think about, but actually quite fun once you get over the fear of leaving your protected little cocoon.

On the pursuit of living with no regrets I've adopted the "what if" mindset.

In my life I'm choosing to take little steps each week outside of my comfort zone.  Just.  Little.  Steps.  I encourage you to try the same!

Sometimes our little steps turn into the biggest steps.  

What looks like a LITTLE step to us might actually be a BIG step in God's plan.

Thoughts of failure make us fail to try and thoughts of rejection make us reject our dreams.  Take one moment each week to do something CRAZY. 

Examples of crazy things you could possibly find yourself doing:
  • having a tough conversation with someone that you have put off for too long
  • applying for that new job
  • taking a step towards your dream
  • forgiving someone
  • pursuing an opportunity
  •  ...and the list goes on!
If God has provided the opportunity, be willing to take the step.  Know that the door may open, close, or redirect you but none of those things will happen if you don't take that step.

Be willing to go after the things God has put on your heart and be willing to do so one step at a time, no matter how many small steps or big steps it may take. 

So what's your crazy step this week? 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Living Inspired

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2014 has come and there's no time like the present to get back into this whole blogging thing.  Allowing myself to push writing to the back burner is something that shouldn't have happened because I'm realizing how much I've missed it!  Life get's busy and we lose focus of the things we enjoy doing and sometimes it isn't until we're hit with the inspiration bug that we're pulled back to those things.  Hence my presence here once again!

As I jump back on the blogging train I'm excited to start putting my thoughts into words and turning those "wicked inspired!" moments into relevant life lessons and applications.

I encourage you to jump back on this train with me and tag along for the ride.  I don't know where this train's going but I'm sure it's bound to be an adventure!

I encourage you to start living your life inspired...find inspiration in the little things, the mundane, the extraordinary, the obvious, and the forgotten places.  Search for the inspiration in the little things (and the big!).  When you start to lose sight of why you're doing what you're doing, remember why you started!

Here's to 2014 and living inspired.